Monday, January 5, 2015

ToTo and Matt's Wedding

The girls have been excited for ToTo and Matt's wedding for a long time. We have practiced walking down our hallway with music, discussed how Matt would be holding suckers if they gave him a big hug, and done our very best to talk it up, knowing full well that they may get to the event and freeze up. We packed lots of snacks and food because the pictures and rehearsal were at 5;00 and the wedding itself was at 7:00--not the most kid-friendly hours. When we arrived at the location, Lia was very excited and hamming it up. Zadie was a bit reluctant and borderline grouchy. After lots of snacks, the girls got to meet Allie who was a helper in charge of getting them down the aisle. The girls immediately took to Allie who have them some baby's breath bouquets. They played around with her and came down the aisle like champs--smiles, running, and not really wanting to return to us. We were pleasantly surprised. We stayed at reception until about 8:45 when Lia's continuous spinning on the dance floor caused her to fall, smack her, and made her realize how exhausted she just might be. We changed into jammies, cuddled up with new blankets, and both girls crashed on the rainy drive home. They had a very fun evening and will certainly talk about it for a long time. 

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