Friday, January 9, 2015

First Airplane Ride...

At just 3 weeks old, this was Gwendolyn's first time on an airplane. While the Z and L have been on many airplanes, this was their first time as ticketed passengers, so they got to sit in big girl seats instead of our laps. Even though we grumbled about having to pay for two toddlers, it was worth every dime to have them in their own seats. All 3 girls did great from Dallas to Seattle. Their were some other unruly children who made the plane ride miserable, but our girls were happy as could be to be plugged into an iPad and munching on snacks. They soaked up every minute or the iPad time, and Z even dozed off for about 45 minutes.

Once we arrived in Seattle, L had an epic meltdown. She was on the floor screaming and crying for no good reason. This made us quite nervous since P was flying the next leg of the trip alone with all 3 girls, which would be challenging even in good moods. Thankfully, everyone shaped up and did an amazing job from Seattle to Portland. We had to club down about 50 stairs to get to the runway area, where we then slowly made our way out to our little plane, through the cold, blustery weather, passing lots of noisy little planes, and watching others take off over our heads. As we approve j's the stairs to climv up into our plane, Z started to panic and cries, I don't want that airplane." Thankfully, she put her anxiety behind her and climbed the stairs with P, L, and G, and sat in her seat with her "chex mix" and an iPad playing Frozen. All 3 girls had another great flight with no screaming or traer, and we arrived in Portland in one piece. 

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