Friday, January 16, 2015

One month

Gwendolyn's first month had lots of excitement--birth, Christmas, a wedding, a flight to Oregon, seeing the ocean and beach for the first time, tolerating lots of pokes and prods from my sisters, and lots of screaming. While there are some cute things about newborns, we are all excited to see more of her personality in the coming months. For now, all we know is that she is pretty fussy (usually cries or screams when she is awake), needs to burp a lot, generally sleeps well, has wide eyes when she is awake and not screaming, and like all babies, she prefers to be held.

We got a decent picture of her not screaming for her one-month photo shoot, but we had to include the screaming photo as well since that seems to better chatacterize her first month with us. 

Having said all of this, she had an uncharacteristically happy day on her one month birthday and even showed some facial expressions. 

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