Saturday, January 3, 2015

Gwendolyn's Growing

Babies don't really do much of anything exciting so it's a bit difficult to get good posts in for Gendolyn besides the 50 different outfits she wears. We've found that she is quite a bugger in the evenings, which we are attributing to lots of growing (hopefully). If she's not eating, then she basically just screams. We're working on some preventative measures to see what we can do to adjust this habit, but it seems she truly has a witching hour. In the meantime, we're happy that she sleeps pretty well at night and only wakes at shot 10:30, 1:45, and 5:00 for eating. The big girls are still pretty enamored with her, though we all frequently say, "don't wake the dragon." So, both girls affectionately call Baby Gwendolyn "the dragon" on occasion. She's a cute, but fierce little dragon. 

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