Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wendy Joy

Here are a few pictures of Baby Gwendolyn, Winnie Bear, or Wendy Joy. We fo actually get a few smiles from her each day, but they have not yet been caught on camera. Perhaps we're all so excited when she does smile that we forget to snap a picture. Soon enough. 

Photos and Quotes

A few pictures of Gwendolyn since she is growing every day without us really knowing it. We get more smiles each day and she is getting TINY BIT more predictable though I don't want to say much because then she'll get fussy again. 

A few notes on the big girls to remember:

Lia sings just about the entire "Do Re Mi" song...often. She will also frequently break into screaming the Let It Go song--though she only knows "let it gooooo...hmsjdhdhh....anyMORE!"

Zadie loves to count and compare things: "I have two buttons on my shirt. Mama have 4 buttons." She also "loves" a lot of things and has many "favorites." She'll say, "I love macaroni," and "purple is my favorite."

Zadie told Daddy that she didn't love LoLo the other night, which naturally made Lia quite sad. A bit later as the girls were getting out of the bath, Z looked at L and said, "I love you Lo Lo," to which Lia beamed and said "kank you."

Zadie's Idea of Playing at the Playground

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Papa's Tractor

Papa took the girls for a little ride on the tractor in the rain today. Lia was super excited about it, and we all thought Zadie would maybe opt to stay inside. While she did decide to venture out into the rain, she did not like the thought of getting up on the tractor. Lia and Papa went for their ride while Zadie watched in terror from the shed. We finally coaxed her to get up on Mama's lap for a picture. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


The girls enjoyed a couple of rides on the carousel. Zadie rode "Bucky" and Lia rode "Kate." There were many "giddy up" and "yee ha" shouts as they waved and smiled the entire ride. 

Sunsets at the Beach

Friday, January 16, 2015

One month

Gwendolyn's first month had lots of excitement--birth, Christmas, a wedding, a flight to Oregon, seeing the ocean and beach for the first time, tolerating lots of pokes and prods from my sisters, and lots of screaming. While there are some cute things about newborns, we are all excited to see more of her personality in the coming months. For now, all we know is that she is pretty fussy (usually cries or screams when she is awake), needs to burp a lot, generally sleeps well, has wide eyes when she is awake and not screaming, and like all babies, she prefers to be held.

We got a decent picture of her not screaming for her one-month photo shoot, but we had to include the screaming photo as well since that seems to better chatacterize her first month with us. 

Having said all of this, she had an uncharacteristically happy day on her one month birthday and even showed some facial expressions. 

Beach Fun

The weather at the beach was amazing. One of the days was so nice that we took took our coats off. The girls certainly love being on the beach and player on the beach. We took advantage of the great weather and took 2 trips down tk the beach with the girls each day.

One trip included a few hours in Pacific City. As usual, Zadie was very cautios, didn't want to go up the dune, walked carefully around the tide pools,and kept her hands in her pockets. But then Lia returned from her trip up the dune with Daddy and showed her sister how to splash grab the rocks, and make little messes. While Z was still cautious, we were reminded of how much she needs her sister to show her how to be adventurous and take some risks. Both girls enjoy their time on the beach as they walk, run, jump in puddles, find rocks, seashells, and sticks, and just generally explore their big world. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Marching to the Beat of Their Own Drum

The girls found an old toy at the beach. Twins definitely learn how to share and have fun together quickly.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Short Walk on the Beach

The girls were super excited to get down to the beach--as were we. They each threw a rock or two into the ocean, and then while trying to pose for a picture we got by a wave. While trying to run away, poor little Zazzy fell down and was soaked. Needless to say, our trip was abbreviated, though she thankfully is not too terribly mad at the ocean. 

Basketball Buddies

We went to watch Lindsey play basketball on Saturday morning. Of course, Lia loved watching and playing. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


They don't look alike, and they certainly don't eat alike. Yet another example...


The girls are finally of the age where they
now have a lot of fun playing with their cousins. They think it's pretty great to have the big kids chasing them, doting over them, and getting to follow them around. Everytime someone left the dinner table (which was often), they'd take turns asking, "where'd Audrey go?," "where'd Lucy go..."