Saturday, July 8, 2023

Israel Day 5- Nazareth, Capernaum, Tabgha, Galilee

We took a tour up to Nazareth, Tabgha, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, and the Jordan River.

This is the Church of the Annunciation built to commemorate the homes of May and Joseph, and the where Gabriel appeared to tell Mary she was pregnant. 

This was a typical bathing room of the time. 

In Capernaum we visited the remains of Peter’s home on the Sea of Galilee (or Lake Tiberius. 

This church in Capernaum was built on top of Peter’s home as this was the place that they lowered a paralytic into the home through the roof for healing. 

Lunch was interesting. 

The tour guide stopped to show us what banana bushes are like. 

We ended at the Jordan River or Jardinet—where Jesus was baptized. 

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