Saturday, July 8, 2023

Israel- Day 2 Jaffa

We thought we were going to Galilee on Sunday, but it turns out we booked the wrong day, so we pivoted and went to the market and Jaffa instead. As it turns out, this worked well because Jaffa is said to be the 2nd oldest city in the world and we learned a lot about how everything had a 2000 years ago version, a 300 AD version, a Crusades version, and a post-World War II version  

We enjoyed some fresh juice at the Carmel Market. 

And enjoyed some Sabich in the market after hearing about it for the past 6 months. 

There is a water fountain just outside the walls of Jaffa. We learned a fun story about a ruler in Jaffa who once got trapped outside the walls, so he demanded that they build a fountain for water. 

We visited the church where Peter stayed with Simon the Tanner and raised Tabitha from the dead—Acts 9-10. He also had a vision of earring clean and unclean food, which is said to be when he realized that Christianity is for Jews and non-Jews. This was the beginning of spreading Christianity to the West where it was officially adopted as the State Church, first in Armenia and later in Rome. 

Pre-Christian times shows a heavy influence of Greek/Roman mythology and the Zodiac. The wishing bridge has all the astrological signs on it and legend says that you make your wish while touching your zodiac and looking at the Mediterranean. 

Everyone was out by about 8:00. Tired and adjusting to the time. 

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