Saturday, July 8, 2023

Israel Day 3- Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Here we are at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. 

The door is short. We learned that this is so that soldiers cannot ride horses in, and it forces people to humble themselves as they enter. 

This silver star marks the place where it is believed Jesus was born. 

This is allegedly the manger where Jesus was laid. 

On the walls in the church, they have placed pieces of the original flooring from the Byzantine period (about 400 AD)

The priest inside the Church of the Nativity gave us each a blessing on our way out. 

This is the other part of the church. 

We’re waiting for our bus, overlooking some of the hills of Bethlehem, and then a photo with the kind Palestinian man who toured us through Bethlehem. 

This is inside the upper room where the disciples and Jesus had the Last Supper. 

A statue of the fig tree that Jesus cursed. 

The men and the women cannot worship together in the Jewish faith so there is a partition between us when we go to King David’s tomb. 

We learned all about the stations of the cross. 

Here’s the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It is not likely that this is exactly where the cross and burial were, but this is the place where it is recognized. 


It was another exhausting day, so naps were necessary at times. 

And we finished with a beautiful dinner on the beach. 

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