Saturday, December 13, 2014


Zadie is our calm, happy, and sweet little toddler. She has a great sense of humor, is super sensitive, learns quickly, and has an amazing memory. 

Lately everything Zadie says is "crazy." The other night while watching baby Gwendolyn moving in P's belly, Zadie laughed and said "Baby Gwendolyn is being crazy!" She loves learning her letters and can identify several of them as well as words that begin with them. She knows Z is for Zadie and zipper and zebra. 

She's typically compliant, but not overly affectionate as she runs from her sister's hugs and kisses daily. While Lia would love to hold hands all the time, Zadie recoils when we ask her to hold hands with Lia. She loves to sing, had "Madeline" almost entirely memorized, and can rhyme better than many Kindergartners. She also loves numbers and puzzles. 

Zadie is not a huge fan of Bruchi, telling him "shoo" or "get out of here, Bruchi," much more often than she ever gives him hugs. She keeps us on our toes, but loves to please. 

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