Thursday, December 11, 2014


This girl is nuts. She loves hats. She is about the most compassionate thing ever. She is smart as a whip. And she keeps us on our toes. A few Lia stories that need to be documented:

A few mornings ago K calls P at 7:40ish at school. 
P-What's up?
K-Lia wanted to call Mama. 
P- oh, how sweet. Hi, Lia! How's my girl?
L- Mama, Daddy mean!
P- (laughing and hearing K protesting in the background) Uh oh. Did you get in trouble? Why's Daddy mean?
L- Daddy say no!
We both about died as Lia had conned K into calling just so she could tattle on him. 

Tonight the girls were playing with rubber balls upstairs. Z wanted to upgrade her medium-sized ball for a much larger ball that K was dribbling around them. She chased after it for a bit while K teased her dribbling away each time she got close. Z was laughing but clearly not getting what she wanted. Lia stopped bouncing her ball, marched over to K and said "I get the ball." She then swiped the ball away and said, "Here you go, Zadie" before returning to her ball. Even though she can push every one of Zadie's buttons, she can also be the sweetest thing to her sister. We have no doubt she'll be defending Z from any future bullies.

She has taken to Adrianna very well and enjoys learning Spanish. She mimics many words and always has to say "adios!" to Adrianna on her way out the door. 

Lia dives into everything and gives 100% to everything--movies, eating, running, and singing. She is an absolute hoot. 

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