Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Jammies

We had to get a pajama picture of all 3 girls in front of the tree. While we ended up with a great final product, it took a lot of prodding to get there. Zadie had been a bit sensitive all evening so when she told us she didn't want to take a picture we knew we were in for a bit of a battle (we later discovered she had a fever--poor girl). Zadie refused to hold Gwendolyn (which was probably good since she had a fever), so thankfully Lia was Miss Compliant and all about posing. That said, we had several near drops as Lia would get distracted by something else and decide she needed to set Gwedolyn down. Nonetheless, hopefully this is how we'll remember Gwendolyn's first Christmas. 

As opposed to this...

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