Sunday, December 28, 2014

Just Another Day of Cuteness

Hats, baby yawns, and sisters riding their bike while hugging. Try to be cuter, girls. 

Friday, December 26, 2014


Christmas was a little different this year since we couldn't travel home to visit everyone. We still had a good time with Nana and Grandpa, complete with a ham dinner, viewing of White Christmas, stockings, lots of presents, a few facetime visits, and lots of time to play. 

Christmas Eve

Poor Zadie came down with a fever on be night of the 23rd. Thankfully, it was very slight and only slowed her down a bit, but it definitely still affected her fun. We started our Christmas Eve with a trip to the Dallas Arbortetum and lunch out at Liberty Burger. We then went to church and came home to open some of our presents before settling down for our long winter's nap. 

This is the best photo to date of Lia's fake, dramatic, "I'm just a 2-year-old" cry that we have--note the positioning of her hand on her face. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My First Trip to the Playground

The big girls love their trips to the playground, so we decided to take all 3 out for a walk. Baby Gwendolyn is 4 days old here. 

Christmas Jammies

We had to get a pajama picture of all 3 girls in front of the tree. While we ended up with a great final product, it took a lot of prodding to get there. Zadie had been a bit sensitive all evening so when she told us she didn't want to take a picture we knew we were in for a bit of a battle (we later discovered she had a fever--poor girl). Zadie refused to hold Gwendolyn (which was probably good since she had a fever), so thankfully Lia was Miss Compliant and all about posing. That said, we had several near drops as Lia would get distracted by something else and decide she needed to set Gwedolyn down. Nonetheless, hopefully this is how we'll remember Gwendolyn's first Christmas. 

As opposed to this...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Best Friends

We were reluctant to move the girls to the back seat of the van, but they seem to love being close to each other. They pass things back and forth, tickle feet, and certainly antagonize each other as well. Today they called out, "take our picture!" So, we did. 

Hugs and Love

The girls generally ignore Baby Gwendolyn and go about their normal daily life, but they have recently (today) started paying more attention and have become very affectionate with her. 


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Looks like Zadie; Eats like Lia

Somebody has found her way around the milk station. 

Gingerbread Babies

Here are our 3 girls for their first Christmas. 

Zadie and Lia nearing 3 months, and Gwendolyn at 6 days

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Phrases Worth Noting

While eating the "celebration dinner" that the hospital provided us, Zadie discovered a new food she likes. We had to laugh when our two-year-old politely commands: "I would like more lobster, please."

Tonight at the dinner table, Zadie again surprised us saying, "I would like more chicken noodle  soup."

Lia's latest  development is to tell the nativity story in her 2-year old words. She holds up each piece and tells you who it is. When she gets to the angel, she tells us that the angel told Mary she was going to have a baby, and the Angel told everyone be "do not be afraid." She says it very seriously and raises her eyebrows while looking at yiou out of the top of her eyes. 

Christmas Baby

We've had a lot fun with our little Crrisrmasn baby. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

G-Ma's Storytime

Adrianna and Natalia came by to see Gwendolyn this morning. Somehow, the morning turned into a mini PK class as G-Ma read the girls stories. Have we mentioned that Lia is a bit different? Here she sits with Mr. Potato Head's glasses. 

We tried to get a good picture of Adrianna's little crew, but Zadie decided to have a meltdown instead. I guess this will be the perfect reminder of how her days will be once we are both back at work in February--many different moods throughout the day.