Monday, October 29, 2012

One Month Birthday

The girls celebrated their one-month birthday with lots of activity and a visit from G-ma Ann. We went shopping in Frisco, visited the NiCU nurses, and made their debut at church. We took them to get weighed and were shocked to find that both girls are the same weight now at 7 lbs 5 oz. Lia has gained 2 pounds this first month and has closed the gap between her and her sister. This is consistent with her personality. She doesn't make a lot of fuss about anything but will sneak up on you and get what she needs. I see her as being a humble and hard worker someday--she gets the job done. She is super sweet and patient, but if you take advantage of her patience she will scream bloody murder and make it known that she will NOT be overlooked.

Zadie, on the other hand is dramatic about everything. She typically looks disgruntled and tends to make a Lot of noisy grunts and groans if she is in the least bit uncomfortable--light in her eyes? Grunt. Carseat strap getting tightened? Moan. Waking up? Groan. Nonetheless, she brings us a lot of laughs and is a lot of fun.

This series of one-month photos wonderfully captures both personalities. Lia is happy and cooperative while Zadie looks to be putting up with our shenanigans and not very happy about it. We'll see if their personalities stay consistent through the years or if we see a change as time progresses.

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