Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Weeks

Thanks to the NICU, we have maintained a fairly strict schedule with the girls since they arrived home. Zadie came home after 7 days in the NICU on October 5. Lia followed after 9 days in the NICU on October 7. Both have strong little feeding clocks and start fussing at about 2 1\2 hours since their last feed so that we never extend beyond the 3 hour time. That said, we have been able to push them a bit at night as they have gone up to 5 hours between feedings. They are becoming more efficient little eaters, and we can finish a feeding including a diaper change in about 40 minutes now--compared to 70-85 minutes before. This is only if we are both present. Feeding them solo is quite the art (or maybe more of a science) as it requires a few extra hands and a lot of extra preparedness. While we love cuddling with the girls as little newborns, we will not miss the 2 am feedings or the wobbly little heads that have to be constantly supported. For now, our daily routine looks something like this.

7 am- Warm bottles.
7:01- Change diapers (watch out Lia WILL squirt you most of the time)
7:05- Switch bottles in warmer, switch girls for diapering. Start feeding Lia.
7:09- Start feeding Zadie (or Lia, depending on who was more inconsolable)
7:15- burp both girls, continue feeding
7:25 burp girls again, continue feeding
7:28 Bottle should be done; cuddle girls briefly
7:35- Swaddle girls and put back to bed.
7:40- Shower, get dressed, clean up bottles from middle of the night
**Assuming both girls are content....
8:00- Breakfast
8:15- Brush teeth, comb hair
8:30- Throw in some laundry
8:40- Fold laundry
8:45- Take out diaper trash
8:50- Re-stock diapers in the diaper station areas
9:00- Breathe, likely do something else to prepare for the day.
9:30- Girls wake up...start the process over again.

It's a lot of work, but we have it down to a good system now and have even been able to throw in some outings, walks, and other things to remind us that there is life out there. It's always fun to go out in public with them where everyone points and oohs/ahhs over twins. They are pretty cute, after all.

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