Friday, October 5, 2012


While we were in the hospital, we had several different nurses. Of course, some were amazing while others were awful. Thankfully, most of the NICU nurses were amazing. They each had a slightly different philosophy, but they each helped the girls progress in different ways. Here is what we remember of each nurse:
Labor/Delivery/Recovery Nurse Carly:
Very nice young lady we had during the middle of the night while P was on the Magnesium. She kept scolding P for not getting enough sleep, but didn't put it together how helpless a person feels after giving birth and not even being able to see the product or contribute to their health in any way. She finally let P pump in the middle of the night which at least gave P something to feel like she could work on to make progress toward helping the girls.
Labor/Delivery/Recovery Cary: She was horrible. She acted very nice, but did absolutely nothing, and P was her only patient. She was supposed to try to help P get to see the girls but didn't act like she even cared that P was completely helpless. Finally, around 2 pm, K got on her a little bit telling her that P NEEDED to see the girls. She finally got on the horse a little bit, only to shuffle P and her high blood pressure problems onto another nurse in Post Pardum without even wheeling P by the NICU.
Post-Pardum Pam- We have mixed emotions about Pam. She was a talker and would not stop talking for anything. She called herself "crazy cat lady" and told us stories of her days working in a vet's office and how similar our drugs were to those of her animals. That said, she got P into the NICU to see the girls and mostly did her job. One day she decided it was time to remove P's IV and did so squirting blood all over the place as she yelled "oh shit!" We were all certain she had just done something horrific and were relieved to only find some blood spilt on the bed and P'd night gown. Pam's southern charm wore off quickly though after we had heard the same old stories multiple tea
Post-Pardum Annafe- As a little tiny Asian woman, full of spunk and a thick accent, Annafe was a Godsend of a night nurse. She came in, scribbled some goals on the board, and told P to get up and go pee so she would feel less pressure and wouldn't have to re-insert another catheter (thanks to the incompetent recovery nurse, P had no idea she was "on the clock" and needed to use the restroom. P had no idea going pee would be so difficult, but finally went at the 11th hour and Annafe cheered and gave her a big hug--I don't know who was more relieved that we didn't have RtI reinsert a catheter. She told P she was going to need a shower and pushed her to walk more so she would feel better. She was fabulous for two nights.
Most of our other post pardum nurses were kind but forgettable-except for Myrna, the night nurse who was comparable to Annafe, but not quite as spunky.
NICU nurse Mandy- She was our original NICU nurse and was super kind, light-hearted, and kept things in perspective. She was good at teasing and took good care of our girls while they were on the CPAP machine for the first day.
NICU nurse Carmen- 35 weeks pregnant with a little girl. She was very compassionate.
Kristi- We had Kristi for several days. She was not the most sugary sweet person in the world, but helped us to push the girls and gave us a lot of extra one-one time to teach us new ways to burp the girls, tape their wires to the diapers, mix the breast milk with the formula, get them to eat better, and countless other priceless lessons for the girls.
Emily- She helped us push the girls with their eating and with their breast feeds. Initially we were unsure of her personality, but we soon learned that she knew what she was doing and she we there to help us. Emily was one of P'a favorites.
Cheryl- discharged Lia and hooked us up with extra formula and supplies.
Barbara- a very sweet woman who took care of the girls in the evenings. She had a very kind demeanor.
Teresa- She took care of the girls several different nights. She had a way with getting Lia to eat and was the first one to get Lia past 20 cc's of milk. She had her own set of twins who were about 16 Yeats old.
Lisa- Lisa was all about helping us and doing us favors. She clearly loves her job and helped us get 2 bathtubs for the girls--which was G-ma Ann's favorite item from the hospital.
TK- She was the nurse practitioner who was in charge of Zadie and lia's health plans. She was I'm charge of all the other nurses and did a great job of keeping us informed at all times about what was happening and what our strategy was.

Overall we had a wonderful experience at the hospital and have many great memories from our time there.

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