Sunday, October 21, 2012

Night at the Symphony

Zadie has always been very effective at letting us know where she is and that she may be disgruntled about something. She grunts and groans to try to get unswaddled or to just let us know she is unhappy. These sounds occur just after we lay her in her bassinet, turn out the lights, breathe, and turn over to fall asleep. She starts with a quiet little grunt before progressively getting louder eventually turning into a wail or two prior to giving up and falling asleep. It's an entirely bearable routine that lasts for less than 3-5 minutes and just makes us laugh as it is completely predictable.

Recently, Lia has joined her sister in the grunting games. Zadie will grunt, then Lia will respond, then it goes back and forth, but really does not turn into much of a cry at all. We are quite certain that they are communicating with each other and already conspiring against us. We could be in for a world of trouble--or they could be moving to their cribs in the nursery much sooner than we had initially planned if this late night chatter keeps up. I've attempted to attach a video of the grunting games though it does not do it justice.

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