Friday, January 4, 2008

The Status Quo

No clearer indication that things are back to "Normal" than freezing @$$ temperatures outside (1 degree), P upstairs composing a paper that reflects on her educational practices as a "servant leader" (bleh) with candles lit and a quilt wrapped around her waist with Enya or Yanni or some other y-named performer who sold their last name (at Walmart for 3.29 on a rollback special) playing in the background (she is into a new age writing practice that she is now calling, humorously enough, post-process (my dissertation topic)), Bru passed out on the couch, and me click-clacking blogs between studying for my doctoral exams. We did, however, purchase all three seasons of LOST on DVD, which let me say has been the highlight of the week. If you haven't seen it, see it, now, seriously, no, I am not playing, don't make me stick P's Tai Chi moves on you, you heard what happened to Pearl (the yetti).

Not much else. Gonna go to the library, maybe fold some laundry and may organize the closet, but there might not be enough time. . . never enough time.


Tara and Bryan said...

Tara and I are hard core LOST fans! Nice to see that you enjoy the show as well.

Do you guys watch the Office?

Anonymous said...

Are we playing basketball tonight or watching LOST episodes?

KPJ said...

B, we would watch The Office, but it doesn't make much sense to us given that we don't work in that environment. We do, however, have longstanding experience on a deserted island.

N, you know.