Saturday, January 26, 2008

hell hath melted (over)

P is out of town today taking classes, leaving me to ruminate in silence with the beagle. To pass the time, I have been feverishly composing the final synthesis for my doctoral exams. Ok, maybe not feverishly, but I have been working on it pretty hard. As I looked up while thinking through a particularly unimportant problem in composition theory (let's be honest) I noticed that the sun was out and that the 4-inch thick layer of snow in our backyard was beginning to melt. Excited and needing a break, I said to myself, I think I am going to head out and *run* some errands, but Bru heard me say run, got uncontrollably excited, and so I changed my plans.

Poor Bru has been pretty cooped lately because it is not healthy human, let alone healthy beagle weather. So instead of running to get groceries, I put on my eskimo gear and took Bru for a *run* around the lake. It was good to get out, the weather wasn't bad, and Bru was so utterly content to be outside that he ran alongside me the entire way (a feat, to be sure!). Well, he took a quick poop, and made an additional pit stop to bite into the frozen fish head laying on the path, but for the most part he was wonderful. Now, he is tired, as evidenced by him sleeping on my shoulder as I type this post. Such an amazing thing to have a good, and tired puppy.

In other non-related news.

[1] We finished LOST, and are eagerly awaiting the season premiere on Thursday. My theory, if anyone is interested, is that all the characters suffer from acute melancholia indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder. The island may be a psych-ward. Think about it before you reject it, this is advice that the skeptic P refuses to follow.

[2] A new and wonderful restaurant opened in uptown Normal this week. Tasty burgers and good onion rings. P got the pasta, wasn't as good if you ask me, and horked my onion rings.

[3] I keep wanting to buy a Ninetendo Wii but can't beat the losers to the register. I keep calling random stores hoping that they will have one in stock, but alas no luck. The news is always, had some on Thursday, they sold out before we even put them on the floor.I wonder, if I am so eager to buy the Wii, does that make me a loser by default? My answer is no, because I am only casually shopping, although I will admit to some sale associate harrassment in an effort to secure information on potential shipping dates, but that is just good researching. P's answer is a decided YES! even though she totally wants one too.

[4] P made cous cous with all kinds of fancy crap in it and it is pretty good. You should try it.

[5] *Sniff* I need a shower, bad.

[6] If a Depew is reading this post, please update your blog. I know you are busy, but come on, it has not been passable lately. You got us into this mess, hold the line or get served!

[7] Husky football season tickets are now in the J family again. My dad is the best in the world, bar none. I get to go out to Oklahoma next fall to watch them play. It will be my first trip to Washington in more than four years. I may never return.

[8] My parents have put their house up for sale in the VA which means they are on their way back to the NW here shortly. Lucky (in the Napoleon Dynamite voice).


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