Tuesday, January 29, 2008


more colder than it has ever been...
winds blowing so very hard...
beagle frozen to the bones...
yetti in the backyard eating our yews (dang you Pearl!)...

no place for a healthy and happy human life...
stay away from midwest...



Anonymous said...

... toughen up for goodness sakes - get some longjohns! madeline

KPJ said...

dear madeline,

perhaps you have forgotten how cold it gets here since your last winter visit was three years ago, and it wasn't even that cold then.

plus, it doesn't matter if you are wearing long johns. besides, where are they going to sell some my size?

and, I must say that I am kind of surprised with this impatience for cold. seems as though you, of all people, would have some sympathy. oh well.


Tara and Bryan said...

Move back to Spokane and you won't have to worry about the cold.

KPJ said...

really? I recall a post of yours reading that it has snowed more there than ever...

I am thinking the westside is better