Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Kicker

Apparently, the "don't call us, we'll call you" policy applies to Southwest's lost baggage troup, as we received a call around 9 about our "misplaced bags." Fortunately, "all the bags were recovered" and "can be to you as early as 3:00am" this past morning. NO PROBLEM waking up for that. So we sit down, settle in to our previously recorded program "So you think you can dance" to receive another call from our peeps at Southwest.

Now apparently! (if you didn't know, we didn't) there is a hundred dollar delivery limit for the bags and if the time of delivery exceeds the one hundred dollars, Southwest must ship the bags FED EX to our house. APPARENTLY, it costs more than 100 bucks to travel to Normal (shocker) so our bags will be to us on Tuesday (more like Friday) which means that the Southwest peeps have two days to open our bags, rummage around, find the good stuff (shaving cream, hair gel, razor blades) and alas we are no better off than we would have been had we simply consolidated. More proof that we apparently just don't belong here . . .

(Yes, I believe I just set the record for the most apparently's used in a two paragraph blog post!)

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