Friday, August 17, 2007

Drs. J

P will say that her recent application to the doctoral program at ISU was motivated by the simple fact that I cannot be the only one in the house with a PhD. The truth, however, is that she is an exceptional student and thinker, and wanted to advance her knowledge by attending a few more years of school (to eventually write a booklength dissertation project). Now, should her recent acceptance (!) startle anyone into believing that we will be residing in Normal any longer than necessary, the answer is emphatically "no!" P, will accelerate her doctoral coursework so that when we leave, she can conduct her research from afar (indeed, A FAR). Never the less, this post is to celebrate her accomplishments, which seem to be accumulating at a rapid pace.

One of my master's advisors once told me to relish the moment when one gets accepted to a PhD program. Something like one percent of all undergraduates go to graduate school to earn a masters degree and one percent of those students go on to be accepted into a doctoral program (there's no saying what percentage actually finish!).

Congratulations P!

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