Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 26

In the spirit of the Olympics, Zadie and Lia have been kicking, swimming, and flipping a lot this week--or they're just preparing for P90X with their dad. We still can't usually tell who is doing the kicking because it mostly happens on P's right side and they both have feet over there. Nonetheless, they are often hard jabs that can be felt both inside and out.

G-ma Ann came to visit this week while K was in Pennsylvania researching and touring Burke's house. This should be the last research trip for the next year or so as we will need man-to-man defense from here on out. P and G-ma did a lot of shopping and preparing the house. We have decided that we have plenty of clothes for the first year. All are washed, sorted, hung, and ready for use! G-ma also stocked our freezer with meals and helped with housework. Other than that, we're trying to relax and keep swelling feet under control.

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