Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 30

School started this week. This made for a very busy, but fast-moving week where we now have to return to waking up at 5:30 every day and staying on a strict schedule. We can only imagine how much more difficult this will be once we have 2 infants. Nonetheless, the girls have been incredibly active as always. At times someone decides to stick her rear end out making P's belly completely deformed-looking and hard. Many of the first trimester symptoms are also returning. P's energy levels die out around 8 pm, she is constantly hungry for anything and everything, and she is having crazy dreams again. Last night she dreamt the girls would be surgically removed from her belly only to be returned several months later--and all this was a secret. All sorts of different people appear in these dreams, and we fail to make any clear connections to anything at all. Blood pressure and everything else seems to still be in good shape, so we're hoping for 7 more weeks of them staying healthy and inside.

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