Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week 25

We went to Chicago this week! Once again, our trip to Chicago reminded us of how much we love this city and how great our time in Illinos really was because of our wonderful friends there. Marie threw us a surprise baby shower at Gino's East with most of our crew from the 'Nois. It was fabulous getting to see everyone as it had been 10 months since we last saw them at P's defense. K then continued on his research trip to Penn State and P's mom came down to Texas to keep P company. Yesterday was our 25 week doctor visit. Both girls were very active during the sonogram. Lia's heart rate was 150 and Zadie's was 154. They are virtually the exact same size, both measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule--so just a tiny bit big. The fluid in Lia's sac measured a little high so we will monitor that. Both of them have feet that are about 2 inches long. This explains the continual kicks that we can now both feel.

Here were 2 good pictures of Lia's profile. In the first one you can see the "wall" that separates them.

And one kind of strange one of Zadie:

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