Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 21

This picture is actually taken at 21 weeks and 3 days because we spent the latter part of the week at P's parents' house and had forgotten our printed numbers at the beach. Earlier in the morning around 8:30, P had severe abdominal and lower back pains which led to a trip to the Salem Hospital. After an examination and a few rounds of vomiting, the doctor told us that there was nothing to do for the pain and that it is just growing pains associated with a rapidly expanding uterus to accommodate twins. Fun stuff! Nonetheless, it was fun to see the girls via ultrasound again as it had been several weeks. Both were moving a lot with heart rates at 164 and 161. We were reassured that although there was some contraction-like activity taking place, it was not labor at all as the cervix is still very long--4.8. So, we were sent home to rest on the couch and attempt to get some food to stay down. Finally, around 2:30, the sharp pains subsided, we headed back to the beach, and all has been well.

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