Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weeks 19-20

Here are the pictures from Week 19 and Week 20. Picture-taking sessions have now transitioned to Oregon as we are here for the month. Kyle drove to Oregon with Bruchi a few days before Patty left as she had to finish up some things at work and was advised not to drive across the country. The day before Patty flew out to Oregon, she visited the doctor who noted that her belly was measuring at 24 weeks even though she was only 18 1/2 weeks at the time. Apparently this is pretty normal for twins. Heart rates were at 151 and 154, so not much has changed there. This time both girls were very cooperative with the doctor, and he was able to measure them quickly. Both girls are starting to move quite a bit, and a big belly is making life a bit more uncomfortable all around--putting on socks has become an anaerobic activity as it is difficult to breathe when bending with two babies in the belly. Otherwise, both girls have already had a healthy dose of long walks on the beach, Mo's clam chowder (apparently high in Iron?), and plenty of relaxing and reading in front of the ocean.

Here's Week 20 at the Beach

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