Monday, September 29, 2008

Ok, ok

So in case it wasn't imminently clear, the names I suggested for B & T were jokes. Noone should name their child Skid (mark), that is just mean.

After much soul searching and discussion, we decided that we don't really think it is our place to impose names. All we would say is this: in our view, the name should probably have at least three syllables. The cadence is nice with their last name, and often three syllable names can be shortened, which gives you some versatility. So, for example, you could choose the name Allison and shorten it to Ally, or Joshua to Josh. P likes Isabel to Izzy.

Anyhow, we hope everyone had a lovely September. It went by entirely too quickly for our taste. Fortunately, it is starting to cool down out here.

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