Friday, September 26, 2008

Go Beavs!

We came home from watching a mediocre episode of Grey's Anatomy last night with 2 messages on our machine. The first was from P's mom reporting that Oregon State was beating #1 ranked USC in Corvallis, and that Shugs and Jimbo were at the game. The second message was from N who also updated us on Oregon State's lead of 21-0. We didn't think much of it knowing that USC would probably get their act together in the second half of the game and went to bed. Low and behold, we woke up this morning with news that the Beavers had beaten the Trojans in Corvallis--this may very will be USC's only loss of the season. Go Beavs!

This also happened two years ago on a rather foggy night when Shugs and Jimbo were at the game for Dad's weekend at OSU.

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