Monday, September 29, 2008

Ok, ok

So in case it wasn't imminently clear, the names I suggested for B & T were jokes. Noone should name their child Skid (mark), that is just mean.

After much soul searching and discussion, we decided that we don't really think it is our place to impose names. All we would say is this: in our view, the name should probably have at least three syllables. The cadence is nice with their last name, and often three syllable names can be shortened, which gives you some versatility. So, for example, you could choose the name Allison and shorten it to Ally, or Joshua to Josh. P likes Isabel to Izzy.

Anyhow, we hope everyone had a lovely September. It went by entirely too quickly for our taste. Fortunately, it is starting to cool down out here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Go Beavs!

We came home from watching a mediocre episode of Grey's Anatomy last night with 2 messages on our machine. The first was from P's mom reporting that Oregon State was beating #1 ranked USC in Corvallis, and that Shugs and Jimbo were at the game. The second message was from N who also updated us on Oregon State's lead of 21-0. We didn't think much of it knowing that USC would probably get their act together in the second half of the game and went to bed. Low and behold, we woke up this morning with news that the Beavers had beaten the Trojans in Corvallis--this may very will be USC's only loss of the season. Go Beavs!

This also happened two years ago on a rather foggy night when Shugs and Jimbo were at the game for Dad's weekend at OSU.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ok, so T didn't go for any of the names that I suggested, so here are more options. You let me know which names you like best!

5. Trapper
4. Trickster
3. Seamus (as in "shay--muss")
2. Tatonka (a.k.a Buffalo)
1. Woogie
(p.s. I still like Boomer)

5. Lyra
4. Nastia (Nasty for short)
3. Shareefa (shari for short)
2. Miley Cyrus
1. Waynette

p.s. the goomba offer is non-returnable, right?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My bff B is having a B-A-B-Y and it is my duty as the Goomba (a.k.a the Godfather) to select the name for the child. As far as I know, B's wife T has ok'd this. So I now present to you the top 5 names for girls and boys, with the provision that emedations will be made in the future.

5. Chunk
4. Skid (middle name Mark? or is that too much?)
3. Coyote ("yo" for short)
2. Huey
1. Boomer

5. Lordes
4. Gladys
3. Rain
2. Sarah Palin
1. Shaniqua

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pumpkin Pancakes

In honor of our visit to the Morton Pumpkin Festival last weekend, we decided to make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast yesterday. Apparently Morton (just 20 minutes from Normal) produces 80% of the world's canned pumpkin at their Libby pumpkin factory. The pancakes weren't amazing, but good enough to recommend...and apparently more nutritious than the average pancake.

Here's the recipe:

2 cups complete pancake mix (such as AUNT JEMIMA® Buttermilk Complete)
1 1/2 cups water
2/3 cup LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
Nonstick cooking spray
Lite pancake syrup, if desired

I added a pinch of pumpkin pie spice and some cinnamon (but I'm not sure that we could really taste it). You just mix the ingredients and make them on a skillet, like normal pancakes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saturday Night Live

This SNL skit was too funny to pass up. I'm sure many of you have already seen it, but if not, you have to take a peek.