Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Came!!!

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. When suddenly P woke and saw something outside, so she jabbed her hub K and it hurt, so he cried. "There's a package on the porch K, do you think that its true, has our luggage come back from Timbuktu?" So out of the bedroom K flew like a flash, threw open the door and let out a gasp. He got so excited he tripped up the stairs, "it IS our luggage P!" (she was washing her hair). "Well go get it!" she said, cause she needed clean drawers, so K lept down the stairs and threw open the doors. He snatched up the luggage, with exuberant might, he had never quite seen such a beautiful sight. He took the bag up to the room where they stay, opened it up and saw all was ok. P's clean drawers were there, and his legwarmers too, the camera, the presents, and P's jeans that are blue. "All is here!" K yelled, "what a wonderful day, let's now go and celebrate the northwesterners way!" So they did, and that is what they are doing right now, so this post has to end, seriously, don't have a cow!

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