Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday Shenanigans

Our more devoted readers will no doubt remember a post I click-clacked this past summer that discussed the baggage-based mishaps that occurred when we returned to Illinois from Oregon. For those of you who aren't aware of this post, or, lack the memory or inclination to look at older posts, shame on you. Anyhow, on our way back from Oregon this past summer our baggage was misplaced, and since we were "out of delivery range" it had to be shipped Fed Ex a couple of days later [sigh]. It was a huge hassle, but it happens. whatever.

Upon arriving IN Oregon yesterday evening, we had the wonderful pleasure of finding that P's bag was again misplaced. It is now nearly twenty-four hours later and we have still not been contacted by an airline baggage representative. This means that at the present moment, nobody knows where our bag is, could be in Bangladesh for all we know. The joke of it is that we used the exact same luggage that was lost the first time, so this rolling blue duffle bag is 2 for 2 in terms of getting lost in the fold. Is this bad luck or bad karma? I am going with luck, since I know that if anyone has something coming to them karma-wise, it is not P, but myself. Still, I feel sick over the loss, is that weird?

Uh-oh, gotta jet. The niece and nephew are performing in a Christmas play. Stay posted.

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