Friday, April 6, 2007

My Day In Fame!

Along with two other teachers, I (PJ) received a grant from a local newstation. The grant is called "One Class at a Time" and donates $1000 to their "classroom." During an assembly celeberating the district's 150th anniversary, myself and the other two teachers were asked to come forward for a special award. We were all confused as to what on earth we had to do with the district being 150 years old, and then...Sure enough, in walked the newsreporter and presented the school with a nice big check.

The money will go toward sending home family literacy packets to Kindergartners next school year. Each child will take home a Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD this Spring at Kindergarten registration. Then, during the school year, they will check out these literacy packets so that they can continue learning at home. It's an exciting project and should reap great rewards for these kids in the future. In the meantime, no school for Good Friday.

KJ is stuck at the computer 24-7 for the next few days as he has a paper for Dr. W due on Monday--on his dissertation committee and VERY intense about scholarship. Typically KJ gets so nervous for these papers that he becomes physically ill. Hopefully some Easter cookies, ham, and a little Bruchi love will keep him sane through Monday.

In the meantime, Bruchi is bummed because the weather has taken a nasty turn inhibiting his daily walks/runs. We had been spoiled with three weeks of nice 70 and 80 degree days with very light winds. Tulips were about to bloom, seeds were sprouting, and then...welcome back February. There are snow flurries to go along with wild winds and 20 degree weather. Next week is supposed to improve to the 50s, but I think my tulips have had it. :( The weather is never normal in Normal.

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