Friday, April 20, 2007

Good Eatin!

The kittay asked a good question via email the other day and I figured that I would share my response. The question was "What’s the name of that restaurant where you get all the meat you can eat and you wear the medallion?" And my response was "You don't wear the medallion and the name of the restaurant is Fogo de Chao." A little context: in Decemeber PJ and I flew out to see the p's in D.C. and asked them to take us to this restaurant. Some of our good friends here in the neighborhood had recommended it, having frequented in while in Chicago. So we went, and, well it's amazing. Amazing in the "gut-splitting, this is so good but I really can't eat anymore, but I am going to" kind of way. The basic premise is that you provide a sizeable down payment to sit at a table where there is a two sided medallion for each person. On either side, the medallion is red and green. Green means feed me, Red means stop. Then, the Brazillian caballeros come around with different cuts of meat; if they see green (the medallion that is) they stop and cut according to your taste. It's phenomenal. Literally the best food I have ever eaten-and I will probably never eat there again unless one of you all want to go (I think they are only on the east coast, so come visit and we will take you).

Here's the URL:

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