Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Grammy's 90th Birthday

We took a fast and full trip to Oregon over Labor Day weekend to celebrate Grammy's 90th birthday. 
We took a quick trip to the beach on Friday. The weather was amazing. 

The water was lovely. 

All the fresh air wore us out. 

This little girl was delighted to get a lollipop just like she sees in her books. 
Mama, Daddy, and Papa went to a football game, but we all woke up the next morning and drove to Grammy's. Auntie Betty had some fun snacks for us. 
We made giant bubbles...
...watched the chickens...
...looked cute...
...tried to stay warm...
...took lots of pictures...

...and sang to Grammy. 
We got to jump inside a huge inflatable ball--though it may be more fun in a year or two. 
We were just a little tired after a long day of celebrating with no nap. 
Somebody liked a Burgerville shake--though this may have been the cause for an epic blow out involving a puddle of poo on the new PDX carpet (just keep that in mind when this carpet is being auctioned off in 50 years). 
When we arrived back at DFW at 1:30, Miss Sunshine here was ready for another adventure. 

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