Friday, September 25, 2015

9 Months

Gwendolyn continues to keep us on our toes. One day she will be happy, babbling, and easy(ish)-going, but the next day she'll fight us for everything--won't sleep, doesn't want to be set down, or screams bloody murder I'm the car. She is still in the 98th percentile in height and head circumference, and 88th for weight. At the doctor's visit we have her a flu shot with a bottle ready and the girls cleared from the room, knowing her screams could clear it. The little stinker made one short protest and then acted as if nothing happened. This is pretty well par for the course with her. She'll act like you're abusing her if you set her down at the wrong moment, but doesn't mind 2 big sisters "combing" her hair. She's full of spunk and brings joy to all with her infectious smile. 

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