Saturday, March 28, 2015

Big Girls

The girls look like little first graders here. 

Right now everything for Zadie is all about her "favorite" or what she "loves." 

"Blue is my favorite color. I love blue. I love cheese. I love Costco." (Apparently, purple as a favorite color has been replaced by blue.) Lia, of course, takes every opportunity to remind us of lelllo being her favorite. 

The girls also both talk about "when they get older." Two new things to add to Zadie's list for when she gets older are: I get to use a razor and I'll have big nipples. She's very excited. 

They have also been correcting each other (in a good way) more. If Lia is playing by the bath water before we are in the room, Zadie very kindly says, "Lia, don't do that." Of course we have also heard them say to each other, "you wanna go sit by yourself?" So we're working on looking out for each other rather than bossing. 

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