Sunday, March 15, 2015

3 Months

Baby Gwendolyn gave us all a gift for her 3-month birthday and slept from 9:30-5:30--after a very difficult day with her. At 3 months old she weighs about 14 pounds, will smile almost on a dime (when she's not screaming), hates the car, loves her big sisters, and is incredibly alert. Now that her reflux is pretty well under control she is much happier, though she has a very strong opinion about things and will scream to get her way. She doesn't really like being in a carrier wrap anymore, except if she faces outward so that she can see the world. Her favorite thing to do is sit up on her "thrown" and demand that whoever is carrying her walk just the right way. In fact, a few mornings ago she would not go back to sleep at 4 am (the absolute worst time in the world because you can't really go back to bed if the alarm is going off at 5:15). While Mama walked her back and forth through the bedroom and bathroom she screamed each time she got to the end of the path. The girl knows how to boss us around and will need a bit of training here soon. Nonetheless, she's pretty cute and loves attention. Here's to hoping each month gets a little bit easier. 

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