Saturday, March 28, 2015

Big Girls

The girls look like little first graders here. 

Right now everything for Zadie is all about her "favorite" or what she "loves." 

"Blue is my favorite color. I love blue. I love cheese. I love Costco." (Apparently, purple as a favorite color has been replaced by blue.) Lia, of course, takes every opportunity to remind us of lelllo being her favorite. 

The girls also both talk about "when they get older." Two new things to add to Zadie's list for when she gets older are: I get to use a razor and I'll have big nipples. She's very excited. 

They have also been correcting each other (in a good way) more. If Lia is playing by the bath water before we are in the room, Zadie very kindly says, "Lia, don't do that." Of course we have also heard them say to each other, "you wanna go sit by yourself?" So we're working on looking out for each other rather than bossing. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break

We enjoyed our Spring Break with lots of time with Mama and Daddy. We got new beds, went to the zoo, and played around the house. 

Lia's trying to pump. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

3 Months

Baby Gwendolyn gave us all a gift for her 3-month birthday and slept from 9:30-5:30--after a very difficult day with her. At 3 months old she weighs about 14 pounds, will smile almost on a dime (when she's not screaming), hates the car, loves her big sisters, and is incredibly alert. Now that her reflux is pretty well under control she is much happier, though she has a very strong opinion about things and will scream to get her way. She doesn't really like being in a carrier wrap anymore, except if she faces outward so that she can see the world. Her favorite thing to do is sit up on her "thrown" and demand that whoever is carrying her walk just the right way. In fact, a few mornings ago she would not go back to sleep at 4 am (the absolute worst time in the world because you can't really go back to bed if the alarm is going off at 5:15). While Mama walked her back and forth through the bedroom and bathroom she screamed each time she got to the end of the path. The girl knows how to boss us around and will need a bit of training here soon. Nonetheless, she's pretty cute and loves attention. Here's to hoping each month gets a little bit easier. 


Adriana has shown the girls that they can have many different hair-dos--beyond our previous half side pony. Mama's working on perfecting pig tails and french braids for now. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

When I Get Older...

The girls have been very into the phrase, "when I get older..." lately. Here are some pictures of them thinking they are "older,"

Their favorite thing to think of is all the fun things Gwendolyn will do when she gets older--chase us, hold our hands, comb our hair, etc. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Favorite Quotes

Her are a few of our favorite phrases--or more just how they say things. 

L- what's that noiiiise?
K- it's ---.
L- oh. 

L- Open the dooir!

Z- That's my daddy!

Z- Hi, baby Genowin!

L- Lia no like to go potty. 

L- I need to go poo poo!
K- okay, run to the potty then.
L- Nooo. I need to go poo poo!

L- (proudly) Mama, I disobeyed Daddy! I get a jelly bean. 

Early Childhood Education

The big girls are teaching G her letters. I suppose you learn better when you teach it to someone else. 

Snow Fun!

We had several inches of snow fall on Friday, so we went out to play a bit. 

Gwendolyn enjoyed the fresh air for a couple of minutes. 

Lia ran and jumped and rolled and ate the snow. Zadie enjoyed from the sidelines. 

Note the difference between Lia's snow angel efforts and Zadie's.