Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First year-Part II

The day after our birthday we got to celebrate some more. We went to Babe's for lunch, played with grandparents, and are more cake--well, it was Lia's first pass at cake. 

"I love chicken!"
Babe's is the best!
Ha! Look what's on my head, Zadie!!
"Are you kidding me, guys?!"
"Dad, I'm just humoring you all. This better not happen again."
Zadie took a nap with Grandpa while he watched the Seahawks.
"Lia, this is the song they sang to us last night when you were sleeping."
"I kinda like this cake stuff."
Watch Lia make a mess.
" feels good between my hands."
"Oh yeah! Clapping the cake is a great trick!"
"Here, Grandpa. Let me decorate your face."
A whole new texture!
"And this is how we destroy the cake."
"Uh oh...I think I got it in my hair."

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