Monday, October 28, 2013

Nights at the Library

We got to join Mom for an evening meeting at her school because Daddy had to attend a special lecture at his school. When Daddy dropped us off he forgot to pick up diapers and wipes from daycare. It's a good thing Mom has PK kids at her school who aren't yet potty trained. We got to wear some really big diapers. There was a grand total of 3 poops and 2 full clothing changes. We like to keep Mom on her toes. We really wanted to pull all the books off the shelves but Mom wouldn't let us. She said that would be mean to the Librarian. So we just waltzed up and down the aisles and made little messes. 
We couldn't understand why Mom wouldn't let us clear all the books off the shelves.

Come and get me!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Goofy Girls

We spend our evenings running around upstairs playing with each other and toys. Sometimes we get pretty goofy.
Lia loves going shopping!
It's a parade!
Our favorite place to play after dinner.
Look! I can see through this drum top!
Pop, go the babies!

Raccoon Races - Next Generation

To be sure that the girls overcome their traumatic experience with raccoons, Aunt Rhonda has purchased them a friendly toy. Lia has learned how to properly remove a raccoon from a stroller without screaming and carrying on.

Lia noticed this little guy hitching a ride.
She did not like having him down there--but took a much more assertive approach than her mother did in real life.
Lia got rid of him quickly.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ugg! Cuteness

We think we're pretty cute in these new Uggs we got for our birthday!

Helping unpack

One thing we have learned for sure is that moving with 2 one-year-olds is a whole different ball game. There is no such thing as "blitzing it" to just finish a room or finish anything. Just when you get on a roll somebody starts crying. Somebody poops. Somebody's hungry. Somebody just wants to be held. So, most of the unpacking takes place after bedtime when two little girls are completely checked out--and even then we get interrupted.
These empty boxes are pretty fun!

Famous Faces

Zadie won a photo contest for Gohlke Pools. Here's a picture of her in the newspaper.
Lia is quite proud of her new-found skill at making fish faces.

We love our Daddy!

Moving Day

Apparently Mommy and Daddy think we need a house without a pool, so they sold our house and made us move right after our birthday. On moving day we flirted with the guys who came to move us. We kept everyone smiling and lighthearted. While the movers were picking up heavy things, we got to play in the piano room.

We like making our music!

Lia was the first to stand from a sitting position. Zadie was the first to stand on boxes.

After Sophia's birthday party, Lia decided to drive us home.
We've got these stairs licked, Mom! Forget the baby gate!
Come and get me!
Stairs races!
We're going to have fun with these rungs.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First Year Collages

What a wonderful year of memories and fun. Hopefully we'll feel a bit more alert for the 2nd year as sleep deprivation seems to be coming to a close. Momma made a video of our first year as well:

Just a few changes from month to month.
She's always been a pistol.
Lia has a mind of her own.
Our little Lia.
Lovable Zazzy!
Then and now.

First year-Part II

The day after our birthday we got to celebrate some more. We went to Babe's for lunch, played with grandparents, and are more cake--well, it was Lia's first pass at cake. 

"I love chicken!"
Babe's is the best!
Ha! Look what's on my head, Zadie!!
"Are you kidding me, guys?!"
"Dad, I'm just humoring you all. This better not happen again."
Zadie took a nap with Grandpa while he watched the Seahawks.
"Lia, this is the song they sang to us last night when you were sleeping."
"I kinda like this cake stuff."
Watch Lia make a mess.
" feels good between my hands."
"Oh yeah! Clapping the cake is a great trick!"
"Here, Grandpa. Let me decorate your face."
A whole new texture!
"And this is how we destroy the cake."
"Uh oh...I think I got it in my hair."