Sunday, March 31, 2013


We can't help but think back to what we were doing one year ago on Easter: P had a horrific cold, felt disgusting, and couldn't take anything for it. We skipped church in an effort to get extra rest to kick the cold. K smoked a ham on the Egg and had a great dinner ready for the two of us. We ran to the store to get some Afrin to attempt to relieve P's congestion and had the ham in the oven just to keep it warm. We came home to find a naughty little beagle who had eaten the entire ham. Needless to say, it was a crummy Easter Sunday.

Fast forward to this year. Two baby girls, G-ma, Grammy, and still a naughty little beagle. We enjoyed our smoked ham on Saturday, went to church on Sunday, and had a fabulous brunch at Ziziki's with friends. Needless to say, this Easter was much more enjoyable.

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