Friday, March 1, 2013

5 Months

It's been 5 months already since the girls were born. They continue to be lots of fun and are true blessings every single day. While we do not have current weights for them, they look to be pretty average babies in terms if size. Lia continues to be about a pound bigger and clearly has a heavier build than our more petite Zadie. They still only get breast milk and one formula bottle each day, but we are excited to try solids after their 6-month appointment. They can roll from tummy to back if they are propped plenty high and we show them how to tuck the arm. Both try to get from back to tummy as they wiggle their feet and lower their shoulder, but no luck yet.

Zadie seems to be more of the mover, and Lia focuses her efforts on talking. Zadie has really gotten good at moving toys around and analyzing them. She will lay in her little play gym, grab a toy dangling over her head, and rotate it as she stares. Lia is not so much into the toys as putting things into her mouth--including her thumb and Zadie's hands. Lia seems to be mellowing out a bit just in the past few days as she has not had any screaming, I'm-gonna-die-so-attend-to-me-now types of fits. We'll hope that lasts.

Both are still great eaters, though they've developed this habit of popping off when they're nearly done and staring up at me. It's the best confidence booster in the world because they just stare as though I am the best and most interesting thing in the world. They have both started giving us great big belly laughs that could make anyone melt. They love their nanny who adores them and plays little games with them all the time. They also love to sing "I'm In the Lord's Army" because they get to "ride in the Calvary." Perhaps one of the cutest parts of having twins is watching them with each other. We are noticing that they frequently "hold" hands or somehow find a way to make contact with each other.

Each day we tell ourselves how blessed we are to have two such happy and fun babies. Smiles abound, they sleep wonderfully, and they have been incredibly healthy. It has been a happy 5 months!

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