Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Babies

We keep talking about how much fun the girls are getting. Now that they sleep for more than 8 hours every night, we have found just how much we enjoy them. Both girls are typically happy with lots of kicking and smiles. When they do get mad we can calm them down relatively quickly and easily. Lia tends to panic and freak out as if the world is going to end any minute. With a bit of rocking and tight squeezes she realizes that life isn't all that bad and calms down only to stare jnto your eyes with a completely dependent gaze before she drifts off to sleep. Zadie is more of a persistent fusser who puts up the cutest protests ever, but can typically be convinced that all is well with a few changes in position. Both of them slay us daily with how cute they are and the fun personalities we are starting to see.

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