Sunday, January 6, 2013

3 Months

We can hardly believe our babies are 3 months old. Lia (aka Biggy) is about 13.5 lbs and Zadie (aka Little Bit) is approximately 12.5 lbs. They both give lots of smiles now, though Lia still tends to stare off at the lights instead of making as much eye contact as her sister. Once you can establish eye contact she is all smiles. They both are very chatty and like to make happy cooing sounds. Lia gives out a loud squawk when she wants something--it always gets our attention and makes us laugh. Zadie has pretty good control of her head now, but still needs a lot of supervision. Lia can hold her head up sometimes but is less stable--she has a huge head! Both girls sleep through an 8-hour night consistently-Hallelujah!

They're getting to be lots of fun, and the sleepless nights early on are paying off. We love them like crazy and can barely imagine life without them--though outings sans babies are much easier. :)

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