Thursday, January 31, 2013

4 Months!

The four-month well visit confirmed that the girls are growing like crazy. Lia is now 15.2 lbs which is the 70%ile (and she started at about the 5th). Zadie is 13.8 lbs which is the 40%ile. Both are doing well developmentally--though we still suspect that they are slightly behind an average single, full-term baby. Heads are getting stable and we are getting closer to rolling over. Zadie would love to take off crawling when she props up on her arms.They are generally happy even though they would not give us their usual ginormous gummy grins when we were trying to take pictures.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zadie's Night Time Activities

Both girls have been sleeping at night for 8-10 hours consistently since Christmas. Lately, we've noticed that Lia tends to shift ever so slightly in bed at night--she moves up and a bit diagonally. Zadie had been our stationary sleeper until the other night when we walked in to find that she had completely rotated 180 degrees in her crib. She began with her head under the mobile and woke up with feet under the mobile. Who knows what they do at night, but we won't complain because its allowing us to sleep.

Lia's Belly

While Zadie has been doing her best to catch her sister in terms of size, Lia's belly is a constant form of entertainment for everyone. Recently she likes to lift her shirts up and show it off--she even grabs at her onesies to try to pull them off. Who can blame her? If I had a belly as cute as hers, I'd try to go belly out all the time too.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Babies

We keep talking about how much fun the girls are getting. Now that they sleep for more than 8 hours every night, we have found just how much we enjoy them. Both girls are typically happy with lots of kicking and smiles. When they do get mad we can calm them down relatively quickly and easily. Lia tends to panic and freak out as if the world is going to end any minute. With a bit of rocking and tight squeezes she realizes that life isn't all that bad and calms down only to stare jnto your eyes with a completely dependent gaze before she drifts off to sleep. Zadie is more of a persistent fusser who puts up the cutest protests ever, but can typically be convinced that all is well with a few changes in position. Both of them slay us daily with how cute they are and the fun personalities we are starting to see.

Sick Day

Mama got sick this week and lost her voice completely. With Dad's help, Zadie and I convinced her to stay home. We had a pretty great day taking naps with Mom and relaxing around the house. Zadie and I got to sit with her a lot even though she couldn't talk. We kept wondering why she wasn't talking to us. Oh well, we still got to smile at each other. Mom went back to work on Thursday and got her voice back that afternoon. We like it when Mom is sick because we get extra cuddles!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

3 Months

We can hardly believe our babies are 3 months old. Lia (aka Biggy) is about 13.5 lbs and Zadie (aka Little Bit) is approximately 12.5 lbs. They both give lots of smiles now, though Lia still tends to stare off at the lights instead of making as much eye contact as her sister. Once you can establish eye contact she is all smiles. They both are very chatty and like to make happy cooing sounds. Lia gives out a loud squawk when she wants something--it always gets our attention and makes us laugh. Zadie has pretty good control of her head now, but still needs a lot of supervision. Lia can hold her head up sometimes but is less stable--she has a huge head! Both girls sleep through an 8-hour night consistently-Hallelujah!

They're getting to be lots of fun, and the sleepless nights early on are paying off. We love them like crazy and can barely imagine life without them--though outings sans babies are much easier. :)