Thursday, November 15, 2012


Aka ZZ, Dragon, ZaZu and Stinkbug. Zadie has had personality plus from day 1. She frequently has a skeptical look on her face as she surveys the scene. She likes to protest most everything--except for eating. She hates being swaddled, growls if you wake her up, growls when you lay her down for the night, growls when she's being burped, and the list goes on. Recently she has started fussing less often (or maybe Lia is just fussing more often), and has flashed us a couple smiles when the stars all align just right. She still does not sleep well at night and thinks its okay to be awake and fussing from 10-2. Today she rolled over from her front to her back. She is built very differently than her sister. Lia feels firm and much more sturdy. Zadie feels like a little pile of noodles. All in all ZZ brings us lots of laughs at her crazy faces. We love her like crazy.

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