Thursday, November 29, 2012

2 Months

We had our 2 month doctor's appointment the other day. Both girls did great and are developing like typical babies. They are now both on the normal growth curve--not adjusted for their early arrival. Lia is a little porker at 10 lbs 9 oz. Zadie is steadily growing at 10 lbs. They have both grown about 4 inches as well. They were little troopers for their shots. The nurses did a great job of shooting 2 shots in one leg and one in the other leg quickly so that they were done injecting them by the time the girls started screaming. It was a pathetic sight, but the girls both calmed almost immediately after we held them close and cuddled. The best part of getting shots was having the girls sleep through he night--from 10-5:00.

Developmentally the girls are doing great, but a bit preemie-like in some respects. They still do not smile knowingly. We're supposed to wait up to 2 months after their due date before we get worried. They both started grabbing a lot this week--dad's chest hair, shirts, necklaces, you name it. Zadie pushes herself up really well, and Lia has very good head control--though still very wobbly.

Lia is still generally happy. She could sleep through the night most of the time if it weren't for her sister. She does not cry very often. This is likely because her cry is so horrific that we do our best to keep her from crying. She is a super sweet little girl.

Zadie is generally disgruntled, but still very good most of the time. Her expressions and body language are incredibly cute. She often looks put out about whatever we're doing. We have found she makes it into more pictures only because she has funny poses or expressions more often than her sister.

Both girls are growing and changing a lot every day. They started with the nanny this past week and seem to have no problems being cared for by someone else, but we sure are happy to see them at the end of each day. They're heartbreakers.

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