Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 33

The weather temporarily cooled of this week as did P's swollen feet. However, it's now looking like we're nearing 100 degree temperatures again, so the skinny feet seem to have been temporary.

We had another doctor appointment and ultrasound today so lots of news to share. They have shifted positions somewhat and Zadie is now lying under Lia who is now curled around the top of Zadie. All legs are off to the right side of P making a LOT of kicking over there.
Zadie is now measuring at 35 weeks, 2 days or approximately 5 lbs. 11 oz. Her heart rate was about 153 beats per minute. She is measuring in the 94th percentile.
Lia measures at 35 weeks exactly so is lagging behind just a bit, but still very close at about 5 lbs.10 oz. Her heart rate was 154 beats per minute. She still measures in the 90th percentile.

Here are a few of the ultrasound pictures. Lia will not cooperate for a 3-D picture, but we have some decent shots of both. Both heads are still RIGHT next to each other--let's hope they like each other!
Lia looking up in the "thinker" pose.
3D Image of Zadie with Lia pushed up next to her face.
3D Image of Zadie.
Somebody's foot--getting big at 7.8 cm.
Lia's face. Think creatively:forehead on the right, big cheek in the middle.
Profile of Zadie.

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