Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 32

We had the steroid shots this last weekend to give the girls' lungs an extra boost just in case they decide to make an early appearance. While the shots were pretty easy, they seem to have encouraged growth in our already large girls. P now feels as though she is choking on baby most of the time and breathing has become a new challenge. Couple the struggle to breathe with heartburn (a new symptom for P), and we have very interesting nights though we still manage to get enough sleep. Thank goodness the weather has cooled to the 90s, so despite some major discomfort and slowed moving, all is going well--one day at a time. It is hard to imagine on the one hand that we will have 2 baby girls here in 5 weeks, but on the other hand it is difficult to believe P can get 5 weeks worth of babies bigger. Just keep waddling along!

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