Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 30

School started this week. This made for a very busy, but fast-moving week where we now have to return to waking up at 5:30 every day and staying on a strict schedule. We can only imagine how much more difficult this will be once we have 2 infants. Nonetheless, the girls have been incredibly active as always. At times someone decides to stick her rear end out making P's belly completely deformed-looking and hard. Many of the first trimester symptoms are also returning. P's energy levels die out around 8 pm, she is constantly hungry for anything and everything, and she is having crazy dreams again. Last night she dreamt the girls would be surgically removed from her belly only to be returned several months later--and all this was a secret. All sorts of different people appear in these dreams, and we fail to make any clear connections to anything at all. Blood pressure and everything else seems to still be in good shape, so we're hoping for 7 more weeks of them staying healthy and inside.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

29 Weeks

We went to the doctor this morning so have plenty of updates.The girls have moved. They are now both head down with Lia in a ball where her feet are next to her head. Zadie is more stretched out now with her rear on the left side and feet on the right side. Her head is just to the left and next to Lia's. So, there really is no telling who is kicking when. We had been blaming Lia because Zadie was squashed at the bottom last time, but it could be either girl at any time. Both are weighing about 3.5 lbs. and measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule--BIG girls. This means that P currently has the equivalent of one good-sized newborn in her belly at 29 weeks along. Zadie's heart rate is now 143 and Lia's is 130. Their feet are about 6.2 cm--the average newborn foot is about 8 cm.

The pictures this time around aren't great because the girls have gotten too big to fit into the screen of the sono. That said, here is a shot of both heads next to each other and then a 3D shot where Lia was semi cooperative for us to see her hand in front of her face. No such luck with Zadie.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

28 Weeks

This was a pretty uneventful week other than the purchase of our Honda Pilot. P also lost her phone or it was stolen which was just one of many signs of her brain not performing at its best. P had a very busy week with welcoming teachers back to school and was definitely feeling more tired at the end of each day. That said, two little girls managed to keep both mom and dad awake for 2 different nights as they moved and kept us from getting sound sleep. Perhaps this is training for what is to come. They continue to kick, roll, and try to get comfortable in their little space.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week 27

We went to the doctor this week for the blood glucose test and just a regular check up, but no sono pics. After a very careful weekend diet avoiding carbs and sugars, we were excited to find that P passed the glucose test so no need for a diabetic diet. Big relief! We also were extra careful to keep the feet swelling down (tennis shoes to work) so that Dr. Ricks wouldn't start thinking of bed rest. That effort also paid off but he said swollen feet are fine so long as they go down at night. Blood pressure was very good (120/60), and the fetal fiber nectin test came back negative meaning no labor for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, Zadie and Lia are sucking all of the iron out of P's body so now she has to take 2 iron supplements plus the prenatal vitamins. The doctor also asked about the feasibility of taking off work, to which P quickly responded that it is not feasible and we would do all sorts of relaxing, swimming, sitting, etc. He seemed okay with that for now. The first day of school is fast approaching! Overall it was a great doctor visit, and he thinks we will likely be delivering on October 19 (37 weeks) if all continues this smoothly.

In other news, we added one more purchase to the baby list--a Honda Pilot. Now we'll have room to still go out for fun when everyone comes to visit.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 26

In the spirit of the Olympics, Zadie and Lia have been kicking, swimming, and flipping a lot this week--or they're just preparing for P90X with their dad. We still can't usually tell who is doing the kicking because it mostly happens on P's right side and they both have feet over there. Nonetheless, they are often hard jabs that can be felt both inside and out.

G-ma Ann came to visit this week while K was in Pennsylvania researching and touring Burke's house. This should be the last research trip for the next year or so as we will need man-to-man defense from here on out. P and G-ma did a lot of shopping and preparing the house. We have decided that we have plenty of clothes for the first year. All are washed, sorted, hung, and ready for use! G-ma also stocked our freezer with meals and helped with housework. Other than that, we're trying to relax and keep swelling feet under control.